Wednesday, July 11, 2012

the fourth and festivies for my bday

first of all, i recognize completely the privelege it is to live in a country that is free, where we are free.  the fourth of july provides such a beautiful opportunity to celebrate and appreciate that freedom, and to really take a moment to consider if we are taking complete advantage of the very thing for which our forefathers fought. 

we spent the day considering at the kamphuis pool. 

the boys went golfing with brad, phil, and his eldest two in the am.  by the time we hit the pool, my golfing adorables were hot, hot, hot.  lots of swimming, brats, and brownies later, we were spent.

i was the only witness to the fireworks that night, the rest of my babes were sleeping inside with brad, so i snuck out and marveled by myself.

i had a lot on my mind anyway, turning 29 and all.

because on july 6th, i did that, i turned 29.  this. is. huge.  the number is huge, and the milestone is huge.  i feel that i am probs where i dreamed of being on the precipice of 30.  mama to three cutes, married to the man of my dreams, home to love on them each and every day; all of this is literally a dream come true for me. 

but still the thought of turning 29, the year i will be claiming to be for the rest of my adulthood, had a sobering effect on me.  my birthday brought some reflections, some resolutions, and some very very deep gratefulness to god for his abundant blessing in my life. 

my baby sis kels even came home for a visit, and i got to see her on my day.  so maybe she did not come home for me, it was still so great to bond a bit.  the rest of my sibs joined kels and my darlings for some chinese and captain sunday birthday cake.  i felt so loved and so honored to be a part of this exceptional group of peeps.

the celebration continued on saturday with a boston market outing, and on sunday with a hot dog feast at the lampens.  yes, every festivity demanded food.  in fact, brad gifted me with food, a mcdonalds, subway and captain sunday gift card boquet.  that is love.

as a 29 year old woman, notice the old next to the woman in that phrase, i am rejoicing for the life i have lived.  i anticipate many more years of joy.  in this place, here and now, i am feeling like 29 is a good reminder to take life seriously, jubilantly, but seriously.  it is a gift, not to be wasted, and i am determined to make mine count. 

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