Monday, June 6, 2011


oh what a weekend of celebratory activity! it all started with a sunny saturday perfect for farming. finally. my boys (yes, all 3) reached new levels of excitement as the tractor began fieldwork again after a super long hiatus due to the rain. my heart burst with love as my baby daddy parented and cultivated the day away with his sons.

sunday afternoon we celebrated my precious baby sister's graduation from west ottawa high school. huge moment. i was honored to have been in attendance along with our bro, dad, mary dykstra (our other mother) and my dads fiance naomi. alex and i arrived a little late, but had super seats thanks to my dads thoughtfulness. the ceremony was concise and full of cliches. when jesus is not a part of your future, it seems overwhelmingly lonely and vast. occasionally the commencement speaker would allude to god, but he was not really front and center as i pray he is for me and for kels. perhaps the most memorable part of the commencement speech, at least to my farming mind, was the following analogy: "the difference between being committed and just being involved can be exemplified by and egg and bacon breakfast. the chicken was involved but the pig was committed." well now, go eat a bacon and egg breakfast, lunch and din din people!!

kels was absolutely gorgeous. the students were sitting in a '11 formation that i did not realize until kelsey told me afterward, but that kinds threw off the whole alphabetical arrangement. we were able to prepare for her walk across the stage in time to scream loudly in excitement and pride.

kelsey lauren, i pray that you align your incredible future with the lords so as to become the fabulous woman god has made you to be as you navigate your independence, education, and career choice. you are beyond gifted in so many areas and have such compassion. i look so forward to participating in your life in these days, years, and months ahead. may they be full of love, joy, and peace. you bless my life and i praise the lord for you!!

we meistes did not make it to the graduation supper my little sis megan hosted as we were busy celebrating our nephew carlos' 15th birthday! brads parents opened their home to us all and we had an enjoyable evening of summertime bliss complete with boat rides, fishing, pizza, sues cake, rhubarb pie and presents for carlos.

so grateful for carlos' presence in our lives. he is a constant reminder of god's faithfulness. his sweet personality and patience with the littles in our family melt my heart. so excited to see how god will work in carlos, and use carlos to work in others this next year of his life!

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