what a perfect time to be considering involvement in the hope that the cystic fybrosis foundation brings to the lives of those suffereing from this debilatating disease. please join me as we raise money for the life changing research being done right now
while we are so grateful for all the people who experience the benefits of the cf medical advancements, i walk for elliot leegwater.
elliot is the adorable son of our friends jeff and marcie leegwater. he has held a very special place in our hearts from the beginning. marcie and i were due the same day with our third babies and we endured a hot summer of camping together with growing bellies and anticiaption. our youngests made their debut next door to each other at zeeland community hospital.
this little love is all boy and plays hard with his older siblings. i love getting to celebrate elliot's birthday together with my aylaroo and note the beautiful contrasts of elliot's bravery and ayla's sass, listen to elliot's jabber and ayla's high pitched commenteray. hold ayla's petite little bod and heft elliot's solid frame. so beautiful to see the distinction between the two. but there are some differences that are heartbreaking. like when elliot has to stop his busy playing in the dirt for a breathing treatment. or when elliot could not partake in the thousands of snacks that make up camp food because he can only have so many enzymes a day required to digest his food. or when the beach was not an option for elliot as the dirty, dusty sand would aggrivate his breathing.
every day, elliot fights cystic fybrosis, a life-shortening genetic disorder that creates a thick mucus in his lungs and pancreas. he takes five medications, gets nebulizer treatments and chest percussions daily just to stay healthy.
GREAT STRIDES is the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation's largest and most successful national fundraising event. This year, I'm walking in the GREAT STRIDES again and deeply desire your partneship as there are medical breakthroughs currently in trial that will literally change elliot's life. please follow the link to make a donation safely and securely.
Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those with CF! Thank you for supporting the mission of the CF Foundation and GREAT STRIDES!