what a momentous occassion, for 6 years ago, he made me a mama. i am so incredibley thankful for the precious gift of my eldest son. it is my absolute privelege to be his mom, and i pray daily that i am doing a worthy job to equip him and glorify the giver of this perfect give.
last night we had the final birthday celebration for maxer. i adore birthday parties for my adorables. not because i give amazingly themed parties, or because i am a hostest with the mostest. quite the contrary. last night we had jets pizza. though i did serve some really beautiful rainbow jello and these delish lofthouse sugar cookie bars.
the reason i love birthday parties so much is the opportunity to be sorrounded by peeps that cherish him alongside of me. the chance to gift max with good things we think he will enjoy. to concentrate our love and thanksgiving for my son, to take an evening to honor him and appreciate him collectively.
for maxwell alan, you are loved, son. you thoughtfulness abounds. yesterday, you used your blue tickets (earned each day for good behaviour at school) to purchase a crazy straw for weston. you love your little sibs, and i love watching you interact with them. you are a hard worker, at school and at home whether doing projects or outdoors work. you are appreciative. this thanksgiving you told us you were the most thankful for a daddy that works so hard with the chickens so we can live in our house and do fun things. (bear was most thankful for monster trucks, and ayla jo was most thankful for ponies). you still look forward to nest nights on saturday and are the only faithful participant for the entire night. you are a very good friend, as is evidenced by the stories and vast number of kindergarteners that say goodbye and hello each day at school. on your birthday, dakota's mom sent me a text of dakota holding a sign wishing you a happy birthday. i cannot believe you are receiving texts already...
and max, the thing i am most proud of, you love jesus. you always tell me our little saying in the mornings, mommy loves you and jesus is in your heart. as christmas approaches, you are committed to remembering that we are celebrating jesus' birthday, not just presents. i pray that you and jesus continue to build a real and strong relationship together. i pray thatdaddy and i offer you an example of what it looks like to live for god's glory. i pray that we make jesus' happy with the way we raise you. i praise the lord for you my son.
thank you jesus for this sweet boy. you have given us much in this adorable boy, may we love and raise him with your love.