maxer was able to take a split second from his fun to smile for a pic. then back to play.
it even just looks blissful!
maxer really honed his tether ball skills with this boy we dont really know. i love to watch max's social skills develop. they reached a new level when this boy, maybe nolan is his name, would fall to the ground and max would spank his butt. proud mama right here. please note weston and lily in the background plotting some acrobatics on the slide.
ayla jo won many hearts this weekend. the habers girls were quite fond of this baby girl. the opportunity to just experience my kids is so beautiful, and camping allows for that to happen. i love to just play with them as much as they love for me to be included in their games, watch their tricks and cherish their unique attributes. brad is especially wonderful at seizing this moment. whether playing monster or swimming or sleeping beside his boys, lots of bonding takes place.
brad played some pool basketball with the boys at the beginning of the weekend when there were few people populating the pool.
it seems i feel the need to keep my mouth wide open when posing for pics. it is a good look for me. clearly. aylaroo seems impressed.
blessed to have this weekend with all the good times, delish food, wagon rides, tantrums, tears, giggles, and friends.
love that meiste fam. You guys are so sweet and love hearing about all the adventures! Cannot believe ayla is 1?!?!